Perhaps you will have heard people saying that soap made with soda cannot be natural or healthy. Actually, the exact opposite is true.
The natural bar of Essabó soap to overcome acne
Piel mixta, con acné, con puntos negros… La adolescencia y la juventud de muchas personas se ve marcada por la aparición del acné. Descubre estos consejos.
Essabó, the soap for the whole family, including kids!
En Essabó tenemos detrás casi un siglo de historia y hoy os vamos a contar por qué los jabones en pastilla son perfectos para la piel de tus hijos ¡y la de todas las personas a pesar de su leve alcalinidad!
Jabones Beltrán, manufacturers of traditional handcrafted soap
Somos jaboneros desde 1922, y nos sigue apasionando hacer los jabones artesanalmente como los comenzó a hacer nuestro bisabuelo.
Properties and applications of traditional soap
Traditional soap making has made an excellent comeback, and more and more people prefer using a conventional bar of soap than liquid hand soaps and shower gels. What is the reason for this? As in many other cases, because less is more.
Selecting Ingredients
Aromas and colours from around the world is a collection of exotic soaps inspired in very beautiful places around the world with natural wealth.